A Beyond Quantum Healing Full Session includes a pre-session discussion about your life details, your main concerns, your questions, and your general intention for your session. Some guided imagination exercises, to expand your trust in your ability to experience the best outcome. A relaxing induction leading you to your journey. Your journey of exploration, possibly including other lives lived, current life past, accessing Higher Self for guidance and questions answered, understanding, perspective changes, healing, and expansion of awareness and consciousness. Then a post-session discussion. Average time 2-3 hours, quite possibly longer. Please allow at least 4 hours of uninterrupted quiet time.

  • Category: Business
  • Service Duration: 04:00 Hours
  • Location:Zoom Link
  • Price:$180.00



You can best prepare for your session by taking a few minutes of your day relaxing and practice imagining.

Write down questions as they come to you and keep a running list.

Once a session is booked, you will be emailed additional resources for preparing for your session.

I very much look forward to our journey together!